I wanted to share with you the visual proof of what massage can do for your horse.
Bethany Carlson of BraveHooves came and did some body work on several horses at the barn last week. Bethany comes out to my barn regularly to work on horses here to help them feel better, regain range of motion and access to their bodies, release tension and alleviate pain.

She does a great job and you can see below the difference in Hickory’s muscling and stance. The whole angle of his croup changed, he released tension in his lower back. His whole neck changed and relaxed and you can see the change in the muscling around his shoulder as he pain and tension went away.
I personally feel that regular massages (at least once a month) for horses in work is pivotal to them having pain free and successful training sessions.
Massage helps benefit the horse not only physically but emotionally as well. By helping the horse release the tension they have been holding onto in their bodies, you help give them their range of motion back, release fascia, release pain which helps them relax and since massage is such a intimate form of rehab, the horse realizes you are the one helping him and often begins to open up and let down during sessions and begins to become more open to humans working around him and with him.
I personally love to see the changes in the horse and then I reap the benefits in the training barn as the horse has relief from pain. Because he feels better and can move better, he can do his job better.
I one hundred percent believe in the benefits of massage for your horse and I highly recommend that you reach out to Bethany to set up an appointment for your horse.
I believe in massage so much that as part of my new rehab program, I include monthly massage and magnawave (another fabulous therapy done by Robin Seymour that I highly recommend as well) sessions to help the horse regain their physical and mental health.
Massage and magnawave are low cost therapies that can make a world of difference in your horse and help him heal from the inside out.