Firefly and Cathy Ruprecht have been coming for driving lessons.
Firefly has been having issues standing still while in preparation of getting him hooked to the cart along with being a little worried about it coming up behind him.
So Cathy’s homework has been to get him harnessed and then just stand around doing nothing as Firefly was starting to anticipate always doing something.
Yesterday it was great to see him begin to relax and let a few yawns out during our lesson.
Cathy is doing a great job getting him prepared and then just letting him stand and relax.
Sometimes we just need to saddle up and stand or in this case harness up and stand around.
When we get an agenda and begin to hurry our routine, we can create anticipation which causes anxiety.
Teaching your horse to stand and relax is important for their emotional well-being as it helps us slow things down and give them processing time.