There is so much information out there on how to work with horses. The right way, the wrong way, different techniques for different horse personalities, tried and true techniques, new modern techniques...the list goes on and on.
And many times once you decide to go down a certain path, you realize that you are just at the tip of the iceberg and that the amount of information that is waiting is overwhelming.
And even more so when we start looking at all the different training methods out there.
So it’s ok that you feel overwhelmed and don’t know which way to go. I feel like this at times.
It’s ok to step back and let your brain take a break. It’s ok to take on new information on in small doses.
However, never let your integrity take a hit. If a training method makes you think twice, you should probably put it behind you.
A training method should always seek to better the relationship between a horse and their handler. It should never seek to dominate a horse. Instead it should seek to build and strengthen a horse emotionally, mentally and physically. You should see a horse blossom and bloom while in training.
Take your time in learning about a training method. Small bites are easier to digest than the whole pizza at one time.
Take some information and then take time to step away and digest. Let yourself think and marinate on the information. Figure out how it makes sense or doesn’t make sense to you and what pieces you are missing. You can take in as much or as little information as you can comfortably retain.
Remember, understanding doesn’t need to happen overnight. All good things take time.
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